Dr. Raquel Castillo Azofeifa
This doctor's specialty is Nutrition and her office is located in San José, Costa Rica.
The doctor is admitted to all major hospitals. San José, Costa Rica hospitals are among the best in the world and provide a broad range of medical services including allergology, anesthesiology, cardiology, interventional cardiology, pediatric cardiology, thoracic cardiovascular, bariatric surgery, cardiovascular surgery, thoracic cardiovascular surgery, thoracic surgery, gastroenterological surgery, general surgery, maxillofacial surgery, oculoplastic surgery lacrimal, offalmologica surgery, surgical oncology, pediatric surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, coloproctology, intensive care, dermatology, pediatric dermatology, orofacial pain, endocrinology, children and adults endocrinology, pediatric endocrinology, endodontics, clinical pharmacology, geriatrics and gerontology, gynecologic oncology, gynecology and obstetrics, inmunologia pediatrica, pain management, critical care medicine, hematology, piadiatric hematology, infectious diseases, pediatric infectious diseases, clinical immunology, occupational medicine, family medicine, general medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, maternal fetal medicine, palliative medicine, human reproductive medicine, nephrology, pneumology, pediatric neumology, neurosurgery, neurology, pediatric neurology, endovascular neuroradiology, nutrition, ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology, medical oncology, orthopedics and traumatology, orthopedics children and adults, otolaryngology, pediatric otolaryngology, pediatrics, pediatrics and neonatology, proctology, psychology, retina and vitreous, rheumatology, urology and peripheral vascular services.
“I came with my family and we loved the treatment we received. We chose the hourly service and the nurse was prompt, professional and absolutely wonderful” T.D. Ashburn, VA
“The full service package was unbelievable. Everything was done for us. We stayed at a luxury surgery recovery inn with everything included. It was magnificent and the nursing care was superb.” M.R. Los Angeles, CA
Basic - hourly – on-call – only when you need us!
Concierge - SJO Airport pickup and return – Delivery and pickup from surgery – Hospital admission assistance – Post-surgery nursing care. Transportation to and from all doctor and dentist appointments – Hourly nursing service as needed.
Full Service - Surgery Recovery Inn accommodations – Luxury room – Pool – Lounge – Bar - All meals – Room service – All medical supplies – SJO Airport pickup and return – Delivery and pickup from surgery – Hospital admission assistance – Post-surgery nursing care. Unlimited transportation to and from all doctor and dentist appointments – Unlimited medical supplies – Daily nursing service as needed.
Call, text or write!
24 hours - 011-506-2234-7887.
WhatsApp: +506-6476-4545.
Email: info@costaricaoncallnurse.com
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